Mycosorb A+ is a beta-glucan yeast cell wall toxin binder with algae which absorbs Mycotoxins which impair animal health and performance through reduced feed conversion and reduced nutrient absorption, impaired reproductive performance, and depressed immune responses and photosensitivity.
Indicators of mycotoxin challenges include poor performance, rough coats and listlessness, sporadic scouring and loose manure, mucous tags in fresh manure, swollen hocks and teats, and poor fertility, itchy coats, nervous behaviour.**
*** The before and after pictures in the Mycosorb A+product picture are copyright and show actual results for real clients.
**- Seek Veterinary advice if your horse has existing health issues
Please contact Natures Farmacy prior to purchase of this product, for a complimentary consultation to ensure this product is the right solution for your horse. Please phone us on 0417055645 or email
Mycosorb A+ (GastroClean)
Donna C - December 2022
"I just wanted to let you know that I started the foal on GastroClean and pron8ure, as well as your other advice. I saw an improvemet within 24hrs. Sevral days later and the hair is growing back and no itchiness at all. Thankyou!"
Vee W- January 2022
"I just wanted to say thank you for how quickly you sent out the GastroClean. It arrived in less than a week... I'm not sure if its my imagination or not but the shine on my horses coats caught my eye in the first couple of days of using it. My baldy face boy went without sunscreen without resulting in burns!"
Anne-Maree W - March 2020
"There was a huge improvement in less than a week!"